CICLOGAS is an atmospheric burner designed for installation in cyclothermic ovens with furnace vacuum. The four torches fitted on CICLOGAS mix fuel and combustion air.
Each is complete with self-locked air control and flame length control.
Combustion is silent, with a soft, wide-section flame; heat exchange is optimised by the enormous quantity of secondary air that helps and slows down combustion.
As it is an atmospheric burner, CICLOGAS does not require pre-washing in the furnace. This is why, as soon as the thermostat calls the temperature, it ignites immediately, achieving greater temperature evenness in the baking chambers.
Therefore, CICLOGAS helps prevent sudden temperature changes, thus benefiting the baking quality, which rivals that obtained with conventional ovens. This has contributed to solving problems of continuous and regular operation, in addition to having removed the need for routine maintenance, because any suctioned flour meets no obstacles and goes straight into the furnace, where it is burnt.
CICLOGAS is the ONLY burner with dual AUTOMATIC – MANUAL operation to guarantee baking also if the equipment fails. In practice, it is as if TWO BURNERS were installed in the oven in a single casing, offering all the associated advantages.
The GAR Regulation (EU) 2016/426 is particularly stringent in terms of SAFETY, PERFORMANCE and QUALITY of materials to protect the end user. This is the philosophy Avanzini Bruciatori has worked with to create the latest generation of CICLOGAS burners.